
TMJ Treatment with Neuromuscular Therapy

May 04, 2018

Problems with your TMJ, temporomandibular joint, are common for a wide range of people. If you suffer from pain, wake up with a sore jaw and a headache, or have difficulty getting a good night’s rest, then you could be in need of TMJ treatment. Our dentists at Central Park Dental Care provide treatment options for patients with TMJ. Continue reading on for more information regarding TMJ and neuromuscular technique.

All About TMJ and its Treatment

What are other common symptoms for people with a TMJ disorder? Some symptoms may include sinus problems, clenching and grinding of your teeth, worn down or chipped teeth, and chronic head, jaw, or ear pain. TMJ does not always show itself with common symptoms. This is why it important to contact your dentist regarding any issues with your teeth immediately. Our dentists can give you a quick diagnosis and get you on the path to treatment if needed. Ignoring your TMJ disorder can negatively affect your oral health.

TMJ Treatment: Neuromuscular Technique

Bite guards or muscle relaxants have not been found to be effective and reliable in treating TMJ disorder. Our dentists provide patients with a neuromuscular technique that helps to relieve pain. Your dentist will use electrical signals of a TENS unit to help loosen your jaw muscles. This allows your dentist to see where your natural bite actually is. Your dentist can then create a custom orthotic that will allow your jaw relief and correct its position.

Are you in need of TMJ relief? Contact Central Park Dental Clinic to find the much-needed relief you have been looking for in a comfortable environment. Call our dentists near you today to set up an appointment with one of our dentists today!

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