
Know the Facts: Foods to Have and to Avoid after Teeth Whitening

Jun 01, 2020

Teeth whitening from a dentist is a great way to have a brighter smile along with enhanced self-confidence. You can begin enjoying all the benefits of this gentle but effective procedure that will remove ungainly discoloration from your teeth in a few visits to the dentist’s office near you.

Teeth whitening becomes necessary primarily because you are neglecting to brush and floss your teeth as recommended by the dentist and having staining foods and beverages quite often. Discoloration on your teeth may have developed also because of medications that you may have had at a younger age. Regardless of the problem, the discoloration would be hampering you from smiling confidently and send you searching for a dentist that can remove the ungainly stains from your teeth.

All dentists can offer you teeth whitening treatments that will lighten the color of your teeth by several shades. You can have in-office whitening treatments or at-home whitening trays that are perfectly effective for removing the discoloration. However, what will you do after your teeth have been whitened? Will you return to your old habits to continue having the staining foods and beverages that you used to earlier? If you are unwilling to make certain changes to your dietary habits the money spent on the teeth whitening treatment can be termed as wasteful expenditure.

It is recommended that you discuss the food to eat and the food to avoid with Dr. Mark Summerford at Central Park Dental Care when you approach them for the teeth whitening treatment. The advice provided by the doctor must have adhered without exception failing which you will be hiding your smile or over again.

What Are the Foods to Avoid after Teeth Whitening Treatments?

Your teeth will be susceptible to staining even after undergoing the teeth whitening treatment. The dentist providing the treatment would have advised you about certain foods to avoid for at least 24 hours after the whitening. You must avoid the following foods that are prime suspects for leaving stains on your teeth. They are:

  • Strong and dark-colored liquids such as coffee, red wine, tea, cola, tomato juice.
  • Alcoholic drinks such as soft drinks, alcohol, fruit juices, and others.
  • Foods containing natural or added colors like beef, ketchup, bologna, chocolate, and similar foods.
  • Sugary foods like cakes, ice cream, cookies, and others that can trigger decay-causing bacteria and lead to tooth irritation and staining.
  • Any foods that can leave a visible stain on white-colored clothing must be avoided during the initial 24 hours after the whitening.

What Food to Eat After Teeth Whitening?

Your choices will be severely restricted if you have undergone in-office teeth whitening treatments from a dentist with the foods you can eat after this procedure. The foods permitted are:

  • Skinless chicken or turkey devoid of any fat.
  • Whitefish without strong sauces that are colored or spices.
  • You can have pasta, bread, and white rice in limited quantities because excess consumption of carbohydrates can promote cavities.
  • Egg albumin minus the yolks.
  • White cheese with versions of low-fat.
  • Potatoes in any form like mashed, peeled, sliced, or boiled.
  • Low-fat or skim milk, cauliflower, or white onions.

Tips for Avoiding Discoloration on Your Teeth after the Whitening

You can begin brushing and flossing your teeth after having them whitened by making sure you are using a soft-bristled toothbrush and a non-abrasive toothpaste. Considering a toothpaste formulated for sensitive teeth is suggested after the whitening. You are permitted to have all the water you want because it can ensure adequate production of saliva. Having tap water is suggested because it contains fluoride.

You must avoid tobacco and vaping products because they can undo any benefits you gained from the teeth whitening treatment. The dentist attending to you can recommend some medications that can help you to quit the habit forever.

Whitening treatments are available from all dentists but it is also essential for you to brush your teeth at least 2 to 3 times every day. Flossing is another requirement that you shouldn’t be neglecting. Have a balanced diet and visit your dentist once in six months to control plaque and prevent oral health concerns as early as possible. The investment you make in teeth whitening is to have a better smile and life. Make the investment work for you by following the tips mentioned in this blog.

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